

The Journey Begins:

My Story

Once upon a time, my life took a drastic turn. I found myself at rock bottom, facing challenges I never imagined. But in those darkest moments, I discovered the power of storytelling. It was through sharing my struggles, insights, and triumphs that I began to rebuild my life. I transformed my pain into a story of resilience and strength, and in doing so, I found my true calling.

My entrepreneurial journey was sparked by a profound realization: sharing my personal experiences, challenges, and more specifically my rockbottom's had a transformative impact on those around me. This insight became the foundation of my mission: to empower women entrepreneurs and creatives to harness the power of their own stories for business growth.

Embracing Challenges:

Like many, I’ve faced numerous obstacles along the way. These challenges, rather than deterring me, fueled my determination to rise stronger. I learned that storytelling isn’t merely about celebrating successes; it’s about embracing vulnerability, turning adversity into opportunity, and forging genuine connections with others.

My Mission

Today, I’m on a mission to empower women entrepreneurs like you to harness the power of your own stories. Through my coaching, workshops, and online courses, I guide you to:

Identify Your Story: Discover the unique experiences that define you and your brand.Relate Struggles and Seek Insights:Transform your challenges into powerful lessons that resonate with your audience.Create Connections:Build genuine relationships through authentic storytelling.Develop Transformation and Call to Action:Inspire and motivate your audience to take action and connect with your brand.

To hear more about my personal story head to my podcast Bounce Back Like A Badass below!


"Working one-on-one with Cat was the best decision I made for my business. The personalized feedback and action plans were exactly what I needed to move the needle forward.


BUSINESS Consultant

"Cat's tailored storytelling coaching helped me finally clarify my own story (thus my brand story) and communicate it more effectively to my community. In just a few weeks of working with Cat I've already seen a noticeable difference not just in my audience engagement, but also in my sales conversion rates. Thank you Cat! "


SMM Marketing Strategist

"If you've ever heard Cat speak in person, you know that her storytelling skills are extraordinary. Watching her captivate an audience is truly impressive. Cat's mastery of tone and tempo in delivering a speech comes from years of experience. If you're looking for an experienced Speaking Coach, Cat Coley is the expert you need by your side! "

- Jessica Turner,

Freelance Writer & Speaker

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